Touchstone Life Coaching©

In ancient times, a touchstone was a stone used to detect the purity of gold and silver. When you begin to realize your true nature, that knowing becomes your touchstone and you can use it to determine genuineness in your life. Life coaching can help us reach that state. It can help us go beyond the worried mind to a more clear and open space. Here there is a is a doorway to your authentic self.

CBT infographic

Life coaching + the authentic self

I developed Touchstone Life Coaching© to help clients experience and discover what is truly authentic for themselves. People hold many beliefs and ideas about life, including what we should and shouldn’t do. Most of these ideas are subconsciously absorbed when we’re younger. Then we go through life, living from those opinions. Some are great and some are not really beneficial for us, or our relationships.

Through Touchstone Life Coaching© you can uncover hidden codes and unquestioned assumptions that could be sabotaging your success and happiness. You can learn to go beyond the busy mind, that can be so confusing, into more stable states. Clarity, centeredness, heart coherence, and inner wisdom can be available to us. In those states, it’s easier to understand and take actions that are authentic for you. With help, you can learn to more easily experience those states and make them normal daily practice

Heart coherence

Neuroscience now attests that when your heart is in a state of high coherence with the rest of your body, your brain functions are faster and clearer. This is a fascinating new belief system called “heart coherence.

This is not a sentimental kind of heart phenomena, but the core of your aliveness, vitality and life force. A highly coherent heart/mind/body is multidimensional. In this state, you can unfold your full potential; you can be fierce, dynamic, compassionate and wise.

Touchstone Life Coaching© focuses on the skills you need to develop a higher state of heart coherence. From this, comes an extraordinary life. Creativity, inspiration and intuitive insights flow more naturally. Life goals, plans, and actions steps naturally begin to arise from the aligned person you are now becoming. 

Heart Resonance
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