Mindfulness-Based Psychotherapy

Often in life, we resist and fight against feelings like anxiety, panic and depression. And it's actually that resistance that can increase these states. Mindfulness-based psychotherapy teaches us to truly be with our experience in a way that is transformative and liberating.

Mindfulness-Based Psychotherapy

Why use mindfulness-based psychotherapy?

Research is showing us that mindfulness is a very powerful method for transforming the overall quality of our life experience. Mindfulness skills are something everyone has the potential to access, and by learning to apply them, you can set yourself up with invaluable personal mastery tools.

We can understand that anxiety is not an ‘IT’. It is part of you and it has a message for you. And it trains us to get out of good and bad, right and wrong mentality. So through mindfulness-based psychotherapy you learn a paradoxical way to work your emotions and thoughts. Strong emotions like anxiety and panic can be shifted, heavy feelings like depression can be lifted. You will realize that through your ability to transform these things, you have the power to transform your whole life.

What is cognitive behavioral thrapy (CBT)?

CBT is based on the premise that thought patterns, emotions, perceptions and behaviors are all interconnected; unhealthy thought patterns lead to unhealthy cycles, and healthy thought patterns lead to healthy cycles. CBT recognizes that acknowledging and shifting one’s root patterns and thoughts has a ripple effect on the rest of their life.

CBT takes an understanding of the mind-behavior connection, and uses it to make inner changes that produce outer results in your life. These methods are backed up by renowned research and CBT is now in its third wave of innovation.

Here’s a very simple yet accurate explanation. First, there are the principles of “change your mind, change your life”. That’s the cognitive part. Second, there’s the principle of “change your mind and the behavior will follow.” That’s the behavioral part. Third, the principle of improving the process rather than being fixated on the outcome, holds the potential to take everything to higher levels.

So, what does all this mean? Focusing on being present and accepting of ourselves, as well as being clear about our intentions can take our lives to a whole new level. Combining mindfulness approaches with some of the best innovations in Cognitive Behavioral therapy allows clients to reach their goals more quickly than they could have imagined.

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