
Hypnotherapy brings us to a state of consciousness that can change or update the software of the mind. As children, we naturally learned many things through being in hypnotic states. As adults, we can also use it to help conquer a variety of things from losing weight to cultivating more self-compassion.

Hypnotherapy is also medically proven and endorsed. In 1958, the American Medical Association (AMA) approved a report on medical use of hypnosis. Soon after, the the American Psychological Association (APA) endorsed hypnosis as a branch of psychology. Furthermore, the British Medical Association (BMA) approved the use of hypnosis (a treatment called hypnoanesthesia) for pain management in childbirth and surgery as well as advised physicians to receive training in the fundamentals of hypnosis.

hypnotherapy infographic

Hypnotherapy basics

Hypnotic states of mind are actually very natural states we drift into and out of all through the day. There are lighter and deeper states of hypnosis, and we refer to these states by their brain wave pattern. You can read more about human brain waves below.

When we are in one of the hypnotic states, we can effect the subconscious mind, where information can get past filters and rational thought. Simply put, hypnosis is a state where the body is relaxed yet the mind is absorbing, learning or experiencing.

It is a very safe therapy because all hypnosis is actually self-hypnosis. Whether you’re doing medical hypnosis or volunteering for stage hypnosis at Las Vegas, you must agree to the process for it to be effective. In my practice, I regularly teach clients how to benefit from self-hypnosis and modify their subconscious programming to their own benefit.


Brainwaves infographic

Delta is the deepest human brain wave pattern and is associated with the deepest levels of relaxation and restorative, healing sleep. Theta waves are connected to daydreaming, intuition, creativity as well as stored memories and emotions. We are largely in a theta state during meditation, internal focus and spiritual awareness.

We could say that mother nature understands the learning power of hypnosis because delta and theta states dominate our childhood, when we need to grow the most. Delta dominates from birth to age 2 and theta dominates from age 2 to 7. Small children need to learn many things to master their environments, and nature makes it easy for them to absorb the habits and skills around them.

Be assured that big corporations well understand the power of hypnotic conditioning on human behavior and use it to their advantage. The more we all learn about how our mind works, the more we can consciously create our habits and way of life instead of falling into consumerism and unhealthy habits.

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